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Int 2F Fn 160B  - MS Windows 3.1 - Identify Tsrs                           [W]

   AX = 160Bh
   ES:DI -> communication structure (see below) or 0000h:0000h

Return: ES:DI -> communication structure
Desc:  this call allows Windows-aware TSRs to make themselves known to

Note:  the TSR should allocate a communication structure, place the given
     ES:DI pointer in the first field, and return a pointer to the new

See Also: AX=1605h,AX=160Ch,AX=4B01h,AX=4B05h

Format of TSR-to-Windows communication structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next structure
 04h   WORD    PSP segment
 06h   WORD    API version ID (0100h)
 08h   WORD    EXEC flags
       bit 0: "WINEXEC"
       bit 1: "LOADLIBRARY"
       bit 2: "OPENDRIVER"
 0Ah   WORD    "exec_cmd_show"
 0Ch   DWORD   "exec_cmd"
 10h  4 BYTEs  reserved (0)
 14h   DWORD   pointer to TSR ID block (see below)
 18h   DWORD   pointer to TSR data block or 0000h:0000h

Format of Norton Utilities 6.0 TSR ID block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length of name string
 02h  N BYTEs  name of TSR's executable

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson